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History of KGE
front entrance

Katherine Gallegos Elementary is located in the heart of the Village of Los Lunas on a 22.8 acre site. Original construction began in 1988, with a second phase in 1989 and a 3rd phase in 1990. Dr. Hugh Prather was superintendent when the project began and Maribelle Ogilvie was the first principal. Richard Lovato, Laurel Edenburn, and Mark Edwards were Board of Education presidents during these phases.

The school was named after Mrs. Katherine Powers Gallegos. Mrs. Gallegos was a teacher, administrator and ultimately Supervisor of Instruction for the Los Lunas Schools. She initiated many programs for children in the Los Lunas Schools and left a remarkable legacy to the community. Many additions to the building have occurred since the original construction. In 1994, the gymnasium was added. In 1998 the computer lab and adjacent classrooms were added. In 2002 a four classroom pod for early childhood education was built.

With the burgeoning population of the west Los Lunas region, school enrollment soared and ultimately 28 portable classrooms were added to the site. An enrollment of over 800 students caused the need for a second elementary school on the west side of Interstate 25. The new Sundance Elementary opened in January, 2009.

To accommodate the existing population of KGE and eliminate the use of portable classrooms, an eight (8) classroom addition was constructed. It is currently accommodating 5th and 6th grade classrooms, the music/band studio and Special Education.Katherine Gallegos Elementary students and staff continue to make KGE one of the highest performing schools in the district. Parental support contributes to this success.